The Secret To Fitness & Fat Loss Progress

The Quick Cut

  • This ‘sharp’ practice will help you make consistent progress with your fitness and fat loss goals.

  • Many people make some progress but eventually plateau.

  • One big reason why is because they don’t progress with their workouts.

  • Consistency is essential but it can also work against you.

  • If you’re consistently doing the same thing over and over you will not progress.

  • You want to follow the principle of Progressive Overload which says you do more every time you go to the gym.

  • Doing more means lifting more weight than your last workout or keeping the weight the same but doing more repetitions.

  • When it comes to cardio, it means pushing longer or more intensely during your HIIT workouts.

  • By always doing more than what you did last time, you force your body to keep up with you by adding more muscle and endurance.

  • The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism and the easier it is to keep body fat low.

The Long Slice

This is a mistake I see many people making. 

They go to the gym consistently but they end up doing the same amount of work every time they work out. 

While we all know being consistent is one of the keys to success, in this context, consistency can actually HURT your efforts.

Let me explain.


The only way to keeping progressing with your fitness goals (i.e. build muscle tone and lose fat) is by constantly doing 'more work'. 

The minute you stop doing more, and keep doing the same, you plateau and your progress halts.

Notice How In This Workout Graph From One Of My Clients She Keeps Doing The Same Weight On This Exercise For 4 Weeks In a Row? (not good)

Think Like A Runner

Think of it this way: If a runner wants to run at a faster pace, the only way to do that is to keep pushing his or her pace. If they always run at the same pace, they’ll never become faster.

Same with your fitness and fat loss goals.

You have to do more ‘work’ every time you go to the gym, so you can become stronger. 

The best way to do 'more work' is by adding more weight to your lifts or doing more reps every week or two. This is known as the principle of Progressive Overload and it’s absolutely key to your success. 

By progressively and consistently doing a little more work in this manner, you make ‘demands’ of your body to continue to get stronger and better. 

Said another way, your muscles won’t keep growing unless you continue to give them a reason to. The best way to challenge them to grow is to regularly add weight or ‘work’ (in the form of more reps and/or sets).

Why does having more muscle matter? (Ladies, I’m speaking with you as well). Because having more muscle boosts your metabolism, which helps you burn fat and keep body fat low.

To see how this would work, let’s say last week you did 3 sets of dumbbell lunges for 10 reps with 25 LB dumbbells. If you’re training according Progressive Overload, then this week you will attempt to do the same set and rep combination on lunges with more weight (i.e. 30 LB dumbbells). 

Alternatively, you can keep the weight the same (25 LB) and do more reps (e.g. 12 instead of the 10 you did last time) or you can add another set or two of lunges. This would all result in more work.

And consistently doing more work means consistently enjoying more progress.

This Is From Another Client That Is Progressively Adding More and More Weight. You Want Your Own Graph To Resemble This One!


You’ll notice in the photo above and in this Instagram video that I bumped up the amount of weight I was using in my top set of squats by 20 LB each week. (March 6: 185 LB; March 13: 205 LB; March 20: 225 LB).

Combined with the right nutrition to make gains, this led to noticeable leg progress in just 2 weeks.


Are you ready to start making ‘real progress’ yourself?

Message me now and I’ll share some 'sharp' strategies for how you can make Progressive Overload work wonders for you too. 💪🏻


Fitness & Fat Loss Success Through Accountability


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