Fitness & Fat Loss Success Through Accountability

The Quick Cut

  • Reaching a fitness or fat loss goal on your own is not easy.

  • Internal motivation is fleeting and is rarely enough.

  • You can greatly improve your chances of success with an accountability partner.

  • Studies show this improves your chances by 65% or more.

  • To maximize accountability in reaching your fitness or fat loss goal, set a SMART goal, have the right plan, and choose the right accountability partner.

  • Ideally, your accountability partner should be versed in fitness and not be encumbered by family or work dynamics so they can give you ‘tough love’.

The Long Slice

So, yesterday, due to a harsh reminder, you had the worst day. That deep painful feeling of dissatisfaction with the current state of your body, amplified a thousand times. For once, or maybe the umpteenth time, you agreed with yourself that you had to do better.

However, in no time that motivation wears off. You find yourself quitting again or letting go without trying. Even worse, you sink back to the sad place of underachievement, procrastination, and stuff like that.

Becoming successful at any goal is tougher than merelysetting targets. This is especially true when it comes to your fitness &fat loss goals.

Fortunately, there is something you can do that will greatly improve your chances of being successful: leveraging the power of accountability.

According to a study by The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD), there is a 65% chance that you will complete your set targets if you report to someone.

We All Need Someone To Keep Us On Our Toes

In simple terms, accountability means being responsible toanother person for the goals you set and the actions you take towards thatgoal.

You can think of it like this: At work, you find that you complete your daily objectives because a boss, manager, or teammate keeps you on your toes. But who’s keeping you on your toes when it comes to working out regularly and making the right nutritional choices?

In the same way someone is holding you accountable at work, you want someone to hold you accountable for your fitness & fat loss goals.

3 Ways To Make The Most of Accountability

Here are three ways to leverage accountability successfully:


Your first step is to set a ‘SMART’ goal. Think through the details:

Are you looking to add muscle and/or lose weight? If so, how much? (10 LBs? 15LBs? more?) By when? Have you ever lost that much weight in that amount of time? etc.


To meet your fitness goal, you will need an effective plan to help you get there (i.e. a fitness routine that will be appropriate for your goals and level, meal plans that work with your body type and allergies, etc.).

 While accountability will help you with reaching your goal, if you’ve struggled in the past to achieve this goal on your own, it might also be because you lack knowledge. (e.g. are you sure you’re doing the best exercises and eating the right foods to meet your goal in that stated amount of time)?

Having the right plan to follow makes a huge difference inhow successful you will be.


Ideally, the person you choose is someone who knows aboutfitness (so they can give you the right plan, per above) and will give you thetough love you need, regularly, to stay on track.

While you can try starting off with a friend, family membercoworker, etc., most people find greater success when they hire a paidprofessional, like a fitness coach. This is because a competent fitness coachwill give you the ideal plan for reaching your goals, and will have no problemholding you to account because he/she is not limited by family or work dynamicsthat might get in the way of keeping you on your toes.

I started on my fitness journey over 30 years ago. Today, I specialize in helping people with body transformation. I help my clients succeed by providing them with the right plan and ongoing accountability, as well as mindset coaching, to help them transform from the inside out and make their fitness and fat loss results permanent.

If you’re ready to lose 10-30 LB of fat, get chiseled, and find your edge in life in under 3 hours per week, drop me a line.

I'm happy to tell you more about how I help folks that are ready to make a change successfully meet their goals and keep them for good.


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