The Inpowerment Company

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Speed Up Your Fat Loss Results By Slowing Down

The Quick Cut

  • When it comes to how quickly or slowly you move a particular weight, the speed of your repetitions absolutely makes a difference.
  • Moving the same amount of weight at a slower pace, means you do more work.
  • More work means more muscle recruited and more muscle built over time.
  • More muscle built means more strength, more sexiness, and a higher metabolism.
  • Having a higher metabolism means you cut more fat around the clock. 

The Long Slice

Quick quiz:

Imagine two people, both who are holding an 80 LB barbell. They each do one repetition of a barbell curl with it:

  • Lifter A lifts the weight in 2 seconds and lowers it in 2 seconds.
  • Lifter B lifts the weight in 2 seconds and lowers it in 5 seconds. 

Which lifter did more work? 

If you said ‘Lifter B’, you are correct!

They each lift the same amount of weight (80 LB) and the same number of reps (1 rep). But it’s Lifter B who gets more benefit because it takes more effort to lower the weight more slowly and she spends more ‘Time Under Tension’. 

Now, you might be thinking ‘Well, this would cause Lifter B to take longer in completing her set.’ While this may be true (very good, smart Alec), what if I told you it would only take Lifter B just 1-2 sets to do the same amount of work that it requires Lifter A 3-4 sets to accomplish?

Who finishes their workout faster? (Again, the answer is Lifter B).

You see, by slowing down her pace and recruiting more muscle fibers to do the movements slowly, Lifter B increases her intensity. By increasing her intensity, Lifter B sees numerous benefits, including:

  1. Higher metabolic stress which burns more calories and boosts your metabolism
  2. Increased muscle mass which helps you get tone, sexy, and strong
  3. Increased efficiency because fewer sets are required to fully tax the muscle 

As an added benefit, there is a reduced chance of injury due to the slow, controlled nature of the movement, which is safer for your joints. 

So, if you want to speed up your results, and save time in the gym, be like Lifter B and slow down. Your lifts, that is.