How To Fit Fitness Into Your Busy Schedule

The Quick Cut

  • If you’re feeling too busy to work out and are struggling to ‘fit fitness in’ your schedule, one reason might be because you’re not taking advantage of everyday opportunities to be active (e.g. climbing up stairs instead of taking the elevator/escalator).

  • Another reason might be because you’re not taking control of your calendar and not setting proper boundaries with the people in your life.

  • Be sure to set up non-negotiable ‘anchors’ in your calendar to get your fitness done, communicate those anchors, and ‘train’ others to work around them, including spouses, clients, bosses, etc.

The Long Slice

One day, I had a conversation with my cousin. 

She was telling me that, although she had recently recommitted to improving her body, the last two weeks felt very overwhelming for her due to overbearing client demands, compounded by family obligations, social commitments, and the like. 

She was feeling too busy to work out and was finding it very hard to, what I call, ‘fit fitness in.’

Sound familiar?

Below is an email I sent her after our call. I’m going to share it because I think you’ll benefit from the coaching I gave her. 

"Hi Cuz

Here are some things we discussed for you to help fit more fitness, or at least more physical activity, into your busy schedule.

1. Be More Fluid
Fit fitness in whenever and wherever you can (e.g. power walks during conference calls, do 10 squats before you get in the car, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the far end of the parking lot, etc.).

It all counts. Physical activity is not as effective as actual exercise for weight loss, but it’s WAY better than doing nothing and it keeps your health and your fitness and fat loss goals top-of-mind.

In short: Something > Nothing

2. Create At Least One Non-Negotiable 30-60 Minute Anchor in Your Calendar
You will use this 'sacred time' in your calendar to reserve the time you need to exercise, focus on meal prep, etc.

The most important thing is to COMMUNICATE this to those in your life so that they know.

Here's your script:

‘Dear Mom & Dad / Clients / Partners, etc.,

I'd like to bring something important to your attention. Lately, I've been going non-stop and I'm feeling pretty stressed out and out of balance. This is partly my fault because I've been pushing too hard and not setting proper boundaries.

Getting at least some form of regular exercise is very important to make me feel good and be able to do the things I do, including being the best Daughter/Publicist/Partner to you. 

Please be advised that on ___(Tuesdays at 3pm - 4pm)__ I will be  _(weight training, taking a fitness class, etc)___ at __(my gym, home, etc.)__. I'd appreciate you not scheduling any meetings or calls with me during this time because I will not be available. 

Thank you for your support and understanding.'

3. Train People To Get On Your Timeline
Whether you know it or not, your people are reacting to you based on how you're 'training' them to react.

For example, instead reacting right away to every client request or communication, you can train clients to realize that it will take 24 hours for you to get back to them. Nothing negative will happen if you do this, I can assure you. 

Finally, to add balance our the exercise with some mindfulness, you can create one more anchor for one evening during the week to just rest, or ideally meditate or do yoga.

Don't make your calendar a blank canvas for others to fill up, and don't commit to everything that comes your way. Happy hours and dinners can be put off at least one evening a week. 

It's all about setting up proper boundaries to ensure you fit fitness in every week. 




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