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Schedule Your Anchors For Consistent Fitness and Fat Loss Success


  • This 'sharp' practice will help you be more consistent.

  • This matters because to truly succeed at your fitness and fat loss goals you have to take consistent action over time.

  • The best way to ensure this happens is to create dedicated, recurring blocks of time in your schedule that I call ‘anchors’.

  • These act as immovable objects in your calendar and ensure you take the actions required for success each week.

  • Honor your anchor times and take the required actions (e.g. go to gym) at that time.

  • Move your anchors rarely, and with a lot of gravity.

  • Communicate your anchors to those in your life so they don't double-book you during these times.

  • For instant accountability (which is KEY to your success), share your anchors every week with the awesome community we're building at The Sharp Body Facebook Group.


You know by now that consistent action creates consistent results.

In no area is this more true than with reaching a fitness or fat loss goal. Fitness is a momentum game and the more consistently you do it, the more you progress.

The opposite is also true. The less consistently you do it, the less consistent and unpredictable your results will be.

So the last thing you want to is leave your success to random efforts, hope, or chance.

Instead, you want to be intentional about ensuring you’ve created dedicated times to do your workouts, prep your meals, and track your progress.

But in order to ensure those items get done, you need to purposely create time blocks in your calendar to do these items each week.

Creating 'Anchors’ In Your Schedule

I call these time blocks ‘anchors’. Just like a real anchor, they should hold strong in the face of life’s currents and they should not be moved except for rare exceptions and with great difficulty.

One of my anchors throughout my entire adult life has always been Tuesday nights at 6pm. That would be my ‘Workout Night’. I’d work later on Mondays to set up my week and be able to leave work at a good time on Tuesday and go to the gym.

I would schedule my week around this Tuesday night anchor and it always ensured that I started the first part of the week with a solid workout. (In addition, I had a softer anchor for Thu/Fri and one for the weekend).

In the rare case I had to move the anchor, I would just shift it to a neighboring day (i.e. Monday or Wednesday). In other words, I would NOT delete it simply because something came up for Tuesday night. I would just shift it, but it remained in the first part of my week.

The Keys To Anchoring Your Way To Success

The secrets to making your anchors work:

Consistent - Have them recur every week, ideally on the same day and time. This will help you get into a weekly groove. Review your anchors for the upcoming week to account for any potential conflicts.

Indestructible - Make sure your anchors can’t be deleted or destroyed, only moved/shifted to another day.

Well-Known - Tell the people in your life when you’ve set your anchors to do your workouts, food shop, meal prep, etc. As a bonus, tell your accountability partner and have them hold you to account for fulfilling your anchor promises each week. If you don't have an accountability partner, rely on the awesome community in The Sharp Body Facebook Group

Honored - It’s one thing to schedule your anchors and quite another to do those things at that time (e.g. go to the gym). Honor your anchors because you’ll be honoring yourself.

By setting, communicating, and honoring your anchors you will ensure that you take consistent action each week…

...and consistent action leads to consistent fitness and fat loss results.

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