Rely On Your WHY For Weight Loss Motivation

The Quick Cut:

  • Relying on 'motivation' to meet a weight loss goal is not enough because motivation is finite.

  • Connect being fit to your ‘WHY’ (a.k.a. your purpose).

  • To find your why, ask yourself: 'How does being my fittest and best help me fulfill my purpose in life?'

  • The 'WHY' you choose should inspire you at your core.

  • When motivation and excitement run out, reconnect with WHY being fit matters to your life's purpose.

  • This will help you sustain your commitment and create consistency over the long run.

The Long Slice:

If you’ve encountered times when your motivation to diet or exercise has run low, you’re not alone.

It’s perfectly normal to run out of motivation. This hack will help you maintain the right mindset and help you get through times when your willpower is low, motivation is fading, or when you’re bored or frustrated with a lack of results.

First, note that relying on motivation alone to maintain your consistency will not be enough. In a study on willpower, researchers concluded that ‘we have a limited amount of self-control, and the more we use it, the less we have of it.’

So, instead of relying on motivation, rely instead on something that will never run out: your WHY.

This is the reason you were inspired to set the goal in the first place.

WHY you start an exercise and/or diet plays a big role in determining how successful you will be at reaching your goal.

Relying on your WHY is especially effective because your WHY is an inseparable part of who you are. In contrast, willpower and motivation are something you have to generate, and they inevitably ebb and flow.

Your Why Should Be Personally Meaningful

When reflecting on your WHY, make sure it’s something that will inspire you.

You want to choose a ‘right why’ and not a ‘wrong why’.

According to the book No Sweat by Dr. Michelle Segar, 'The right whys motivate us because they are relevant to our daily lives and personally meaningful. Compared to the wrong whys, which leave us feeling depleted, the right whys energize and empower us.’

The right WHY for exercising is usually something aspirational, like "I want to feel proud of my body" or "I want to improve my image and look better in my clothes" or "I want to set an example for my kids."

Thus, reconnecting with why you wanted to accomplish your goal before you started, will help intrinsically motivate you and pull you towards your goal.

Sharp Strategy: Keep your 'WHY' present by printing it out and hanging it up somewhere you will see it daily, to keep it present in your mind.

Relying on your WHY to keep you on track with your fitness and weight loss goals is far superior to relying on things like discipline and willpower, which are finite.

So, the next time you feel like you rather not hit the gym, remind yourself WHY you started in the first place!


Weight Loss Mantra: Routine First, Results Second.


How To Bust Through A Weight Loss Plateau