The Inpowerment Company

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How To Embrace Fitness, Beat Stress, and Lose Your Love Handles

The Quick Cut:

  • Here's an INSPIRING story about what my client Johnnie was able to achieve, at the age of 42.

  • Johnnie is a millitary veteran that committed to transforming his mindset and body before starting his post-military career. He also wanted to stay active for his daughter and set a positive example.

  • He was struggling with his weight and with staying fit because he didn't know how to put a plan together and found it hard to commit to hours at the gym.

  • I provided him with a personalized, flexible program that he actually enjoyed doing and fit his travel lifestyle.

  • Johnnie was able to lose almost 10 LBs while getting chiseled, reducing stress and beating frustration.  This helpe improve his relationship with his wife and daughter.

The Long Slice:

Are you the type of person that struggles with putting together a fitness plan that fits your busy lifestyle?

Do you feel frustrated about spending hard-working hours at the gym only to feel like you didn't accomplish anything at all?

Then this story is going to INSPIRE you and show you the value of shifting your mindset and cutting fat in under 3 hours, regardless of your busy schedule!

Meet Johnnie, my 42 -year-old client.

What Inspire Johnnie To Set a Fitness Goal?

After being out of the military after 20 years and working a desk job last year, Johnnie wanted to make some transformations and shift his mindset before starting a new career.

Johnnie was inspired by his daughter to achieve his fitness goal because he wanted to stay active with her especially during the weekends versus just relaxing and melting off stress from the week.

He didn't want to be the type of father who came home beat and just flopped on the couch because he was so tired.

Most importantly, Johnnie wanted to set a prime example so that his daughter wasn't following in his wrong footsteps. He knew that the only way that he could ensure that this was going to happen is if he became active himself.

What Obstacles Did Johnnie Struggle With In Reaching His Goal?

Before Johnnie started working with me and my Sharp Body Transformation Program, he struggled with a bit of gym-intimidation.

He wasn't necessarily afraid of the gym but struggled with a negative mindset while at the gym. In other words, if he didn't have the time to get a full hour or hour and a half workout in, then he would think, "what's the point of even going?" So he didn't.

Plus, Johnnie felt that he didn't have a good plan going into the gym in the first place which made it challenging for him to fully commit to anything.

What Was The #1 Thing Johnnie Looked For Before Investing In The Sharp Body Program?

Flexibility was the number one thing! He traveled a lot and worked inconsistent hours. Sometimes he'd work at 7 AM and other times he would go in later.

There were also times when Johnnie would be on the road for two weeks at a time so he needed something that was again, flexible, and something that he actually enjoyed doing.

What Kind Of Progress Did Johnnie Make On His Goals While Working With Me?

Johnnie felt healthier overall and lost 8 LB, which was a bonus to his initial goal and he felt really good about that.

Despite a few stressful moments during the holidays, he consistently made progress towards his ultimate goal which was improving his mindset. Way to go Johnnie!

Here's what he had to say,

"I think the biggest thing that came out was just the mindset. It's a lot different after doing this program; just engaging on a weekly basis and talking to you. I realized that it became easy to go to the gym.

If I just wanted to go in and do a half hour workout, I could do a 15 to 20 minute high intensity workout and it felt great. I worked up a sweat and that was enough for the day. I'd come come back home, shower and go to work and that was perfect.

If I didn't get a workout in the morning, I started thinking that I really need to get something in. I could just do a quick stop at the gym, get a half hour in and then come back if I had extra time to do a full on weight workout.

I think the best part about it is that I was never judged no matter what I was doing. It was just getting something done was enough and I think that kind of mindset helped me out.

I'm at the point now where I actually like going to the gym and it feels good that I've actually done something for the day."

How Did Reaching Johnnie's Goal Change His Life On A Personal Level?

So as you read above, Johnnie successfully found the flexibility he was looking for!

On a personal level, Johnnie found it easier to tolerate stress especially in his relationship with his wife. He no longer gets frustrated or angry and he learned new coping mechanisms to deal with stressful situations on every level, from work to his family life.

This was a victory for me as well because it turns out, not only do I just help people cut fat, I also save marriages which is awesome!

Still On The Fence About Working With Me? Just Take It From Johnnie.

When asked to describe my Sharp Body program in one word, Johnnie shared that it was overall exhilarating because he was able to build new habits and recreate himself in just 3 hours.

I'm sure you can relate to Johnnie and his busy lifestyle - from work life to family life, so being able to permanently transform your mind and body in such a short period of time would be ideal for you too, right?

But if you're still on the fence on whether or not this program is right for you, here's a personal message from Johnnie himself:

"It's a tough decision, you know, you definitely have to be in the right spot. But at the same time, when you look at the investment that you're making and it's going to last for a very long time; that's what convinced me to do it.

If I can build that foundation now, and invest in something that will stay with me for the rest of my life - new habits, the mindset shift, then it's worth it.

That is what ultimately is made me agree to do this and it was it was great. I feel like I have the groundwork laid out for me and that's going to pay off for years and decades to come."

If you’d like to learn more about how I help my fitness coaching clients cut fat, build muscle and reclaim their edge in life in under just 3 hours per week despite their busy lifestyle – then let’s connect.

Start by booking a quick call now on my calendar with this link.