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Is It Possible To Lose Weight Over The Holidays?

The Quick Cut:

  • The average American gains 10-15 LB during the holidays.

  • My client Andres was able to not only avoid weight gain but actually LOST weight during the holidays.

  • Preventing holiday weight gain while still enjoying yourself is not only possible but very doable.

  • In fact, learning how to prevent holiday weight gain is critical to staying lean because the holidays come every year.

  • What you need is the right mindset, strategy, and support to make holiday weight gain - and the consequent New Year's weight loss resolutions - a thing of 'Christmas past'.

The Long Slice:

Did you know that the average American gains 10 - 15 pounds during the holiday season?

Who can blame them?

With all the tempting food and drink offered at holiday events, it becomes nearly impossible not to gain weight during this time, right?

Well, maybe my client Andres, a super hard-working, 51-year executive and father of two, achieved the ‘impossible’…

He actually LOST weight during all of December.

(See his weight loss graph, and his loose fitting pants, below)

Want To Lose Weight While Still Enjoying The Holidays?

As you can see, losing weight while still enjoying the holidays does not have to be 'mission impossible.'

Yes, there will be challenges that will come your way in the form of social events, yummy foods, and tempting drinks.

But with the right plan, strategy, and support you can 'buck' the trend and actually lose weight, while still enjoying the holidays to the max.

This way, you can avoid gaining holiday weight and the having to set another New Year's resolution in January to lose it (which we know never works, anyway).

Your Holiday Game Plan

To lose weight over the holidays, without starving or turning into the grinch, here's what you need to do:

1. Go Into The Holidays With The Right Mindset

The holidays are a more important time than ever to stay present to your 'WHY' for being fit and healthy. Have a meaningful reason and make it 'bigger' than any short-term satisfaction you'll get from holidays splurge sessions, and set boundaries accordingly.

2. Have Strategies To Minimize The Impact Of Holiday Events

We want to stay in control during holiday events but we also want to enjoy them, right?

So, instead of saying 'no' to everything you're offered, it's way more sustainable to be able to enjoy the event by having your desired food and drink while knowing how to minimize the impact on your waistline.

For strategies on how to do this, check out my Thanksgiving Day stay-lean strategy (applies to any ‘big eating’ event like weddings, etc.) and my Facebook Live, 'Eating Fit In Social Situations.'

3. Have The Right Support Around You

As mentioned, the holidays are fraught with opportunities to blow your weight loss progress. Whether it's travel, holiday stress, obligatory social events or egg nog, there will be many pitfalls ahead that can set you back and cause you to gain unwanted weight.

This is why having the right support during this time makes all the difference.

You can try to rely on friends and family to keep you accountable and help you stay on track during the holidays, but they'll most likely be dealing with their own temptations during this time (or worse, tempting you to fall off track!).

Or, you can make a smart move and 'gift' yourself the support you need with proven fat loss system and coach.


By working with my Sharp Body Transformation Program, Andres lost weight consistently throughout the holidays, while still enjoying them (see his weight loss graph below).

Plus, he'll never have to worry about needing his ‘big pants’ again, like in his photo above.


… Because the holidays will never set him back again.

Just yesterday he told me:

“I’ve tried everything in the past but this program actually ‘feels good’. It’s not hard. It just takes making small adjustments. My wife is noticing and says I’m getting back to my top shape from years ago. She’s wanting to touch me more. I joked with her saying that it might be considered harassment, lol.”

Do This If You Want To Keep Fat Off For Good

By now, you're getting the drift that:

  1. The holidays do not have to be a reason or an excuse for gaining weight.

  2. The holidays will be here every year, and if you don't learn how to conquer them now, you'll most likely be set back and gain weight every year.

  3. It's possible to actually lose weight while still enjoying the holidays if you have the right fat loss system and support in place.

My body transformation program will provide you with a proven fat loss system and the support you need to lose weight any time of the year - holidays or not - and teach you the habits and lifestyle you need to adopt to keep the fat off, year round, for good.

We specialize in helping high-achieving professionals over 40 lose up to 33 LB in 12 weeks without wasted time, confusion, or starvation.

To find out more, schedule a complimentary 15-minute Fat Loss Reboot phone consultation now and let's see if we can help you be like Andres and lose weight this holiday season and beyond.

Happy 'lean and healthy’ Holidays! 🎄