How This Schoolteacher Cut Fat and Got Chiseled, At The Age of 65!

The Quick Cut:

  • Here's an INCREDIBLE story about what my client David was able to achieve, at the age of 65.

  • David was committed to going into his retirement age looking and feeling his best. He wanted to age well and start to date again after losing his partner.

  • He had gained weight and struggled with consistency, tempting social situations, and not knowing what to do in the gym.

  • I provided him with a personalized program, steady accountability, and smart strategies for his social events.

  • Even though he is at a mature age, David was able to lose 10 LB / 5% body fat and get chiseled, while reclaiming energy and a positive outlook about life, dating, and his later years!

The Long Slice:

Are you the type of person that believes getting fit after a certain age is impossible?

Do you feel that Father Time has closed the proverbial 'door' on your dreams of looking great like you did when you were younger?

Then this story is going to INSPIRE you and show you what’s still possible for you, regardless of your age!

Meet David, my 65-year-old client.

David's Goals: Age Gracefully, Start Dating Again

David lives in Sacramento, California, and is a semi-retired school teacher. He continues to teach High School, but instead of a regular class, he does more substitute teaching these days.

He also volunteers for numerous organizations, sings in his church choir, and has an active circle of friends, who meet on a regular basis.

While David looked good (for someone his age) before we started working together, he wanted to look and feel even better. There were three major goals driving him to want to make a change:

1. Feel Confident When Dating

Some years back, David tragically lost his partner to a car accident. David’s partner was out jogging one day and was struck by a car, leaving David to pick up the pieces of his life. 🥺

After a period of mourning, David felt ready to start dating again. Thus, one of David’s main goals was to look good and feel confident when he went out on dates. 

2. Lose Weight And Chisel His Chest

As far as physical goals, David had gained weight after his retirement. So he wanted to lose the unwanted weight, add muscle, and get more toned, especially in his chest.

3. Age Gracefully

Just as importantly, he wanted to enter - what his friend coined ‘the 4th quarter of his life’ - in the best shape possible and feel good as he aged

David's Struggles: Consistency, Social Events, Confused In The Gym

One thing that was holding him back, which slows down a lot of people, was a lack of consistency and motivation. (Sound familiar?)

Every time he would recommit to getting fit, something would come up, motivation would wane, and he would falter.

David says, “I always have the best intentions when I start. But after a short period, I would have a setback, take off a couple of days, which then turned into a week, then into a month, and then, before you know it, you’re throwing caution to the wind and give up altogether.” 🤯

Another challenge was his Saturday night 'pot luck-type' events where everyone brings rich food and there’s peer pressure to eat, drink, and be merry, calories and waistline be damned. David said it’s a “tough crowd” that doesn’t tolerate reducing alcohol consumption or avoiding rich foods very well. 😄🍰🍸

In addition, David often felt ‘lost’ in the gym. “I’d wander around, not knowing what to do, and then 90 minutes later, I’d have no idea what I had accomplished,” he states.

To help with this challenge, David hired a personal trainer who handed him a workout plan, but the results were coming too slow.

So he turned to me and my Sharp Body Transformation System for help.

Designing David's ‘The Chiseled School Teacher’ Plan

One thing I had to be cognizant of was David’s age. While he’s not one to use age as an excuse, the reality is the body responds a lot slower to our efforts to shed fat when we’re older. 

Needless to say, when a man is 65 years old, his testosterone is not what it used to be. So in his plan, I made sure to focus on boosting his metabolism and his hormones, naturally and gradually.

Now, when I design a plan for one of my online fitness coaching clients, I turn to my Sharp Body Transformation System, which is based on the three pillars you must address to transform YOUR body.

I call these pillars the ‘3 Ms of Body Transformation,’ which stands for: Mindset, Meals, and Muscles.

Mindset - Because David would lose motivation in the past, I made sure to instill regular accountability to keep him motivated and on track. I also helped him get clear on his ‘WHY’ for wanting to be his fittest.

During our mindset exercises, David mentioned how important it was for him to have 'peace of mind' around his health.

So, we came up with this affirmation that would empower him, always: “I am settled and at peace.”

Meals - When building David’s custom meal plan and supplementation strategy, I made sure to include foods he enjoyed, while stressing the foods and supplements that would naturally boost his metabolism and optimize his hormones for fat loss and muscle building.

Muscles - David was a fan of weight training, which made my job easier. Training with weights provides tremendous benefits for both men and women (particularly women, because it helps with bone density and wards off osteoporosis).

I gave him workouts that would help burn fat and build muscle, especially in his chest area, since that’s a body part he wanted to improve.

Because older clients are at a higher risk of injury, I also made sure to avoid any exercise that might aggravate or injure his joints.

David's Success: A Chiseled Body, Embracing Life, and Feeling Young

As you can see in his before/after photo above, by working with me, David was able to make noticeable improvements in his body, despite being 65 years old:

  • He lost around 10 LB of fat (i.e. 5% body fat) while gaining 6 LB of muscle

  • He shed belly fat, lost his gut, and tightened his abs

  • He took his chest from saggy to chiseled

  • He toned up his arms

  • He improved his posture

More importantly, his overall outlook has shifted positively. David said, "I just feel better about myself. I’m excited, actually, to get up and go to the gym now. Believe it or not, even though I’m no longer teaching, I get up sometimes at 5 in the morning to get my workout done."

"You just embrace life more. I feel energetic. I feel young. I know I’m going to be 66 in a month, but I don’t feel any different than I did as a 20-year-old."

This is in stark contrast to his group of friends, who lament regularly about their aches and pains. 

The Secret Of David's Success

David certainly put in the hard work and consistent effort to train hard, eat right, and show up on our weekly coaching calls.

He credits my Sharp Body Transformation Program with providing him everything he needed to be successful.

He said, “I love how concise the program is and the time management aspect. You gave me the tools I needed to do the job. Plus, the nutrition and supplementation were incredible."

"The accountability made me feel more responsible because I knew I had to check in with you each week."

"Also, the mindset work was such an important factor, because the psyche and the body go together."

When I asked David to describe my program using one word, he said it was ‘real’.

"You don’t tell people what they want to hear. You give them the truth about what it’s going to take to achieve the goals they want to achieve."

"If you turn on the TV you hear ‘buy this pill’, or ‘buy this program’, and they’re all catering to instant gratification. But that’s not your program. You told me exactly what I needed to do as a client to achieve my goals and what you were going to do as the coach to support me," he said.

In summary, I'm sure you'll agree that David doesn’t look or sound like your typical senior citizen (just listen to him in the video above).

You can say he’s a very ‘young’ 65-year-old. Investing in himself the way he did - working with me as I coached him through my Sharp Body Transformation System - will pay dividends for him the rest of his life.

I have no doubt he will live a longer life than if he hadn't taken this journey. He will live better, he will handle the challenges of old age better, and he will age gracefully, living his later years to their fullest.

Plus, I’m sure this energetic, chiseled version of him will have no problems getting dates. 😉

P.S. If you'd like to learn more about how I help my fitness coaching clients cut fat, build muscle and reclaim their edge in life - at ANY AGE - then let's connect.

Start by booking a quick call now on my calendar with this link.


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