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How My Client Rachel Beat Coronavirus And Still Stayed On Track With Her Weight Loss Goals

The Quick Cut:

  • My client Rachel contracted the Coronavirus (and it spread to her entire family).

  • After two difficult weeks, she recovered and was anxious to get right back on track with her weight loss routine as if nothing ever happened.

  • To my surprise, she not only beat the Coronavirus but actually was able to stay on track with her fat loss, to the point where her post-Corona photos looked even better than before her illness.

  • She attributed her success to her continuing to eat according to her unique nutrition plan (i.e. according to her fat loss formula) even while being sick.

  • There are three key fitness and health lessons to take away from her amazing story below.

The Long Slice:

Unfortunately, a lot of people are succumbing to Coronavirus right now.

This is the grim reality.

At the same time, there are many people that are beating Coronavirus and emerging victorious. 💪🏻

My client Rachel is one of those people.

Check out her amazing story…


About three weeks ago, my client Rachel contracted the Coronavirus (and it spread to her husband and two kids!).

To be honest, I was scared for her. 

I didn’t know what this would mean for her health. (Prolonged sickness? Hospitalization? etc.).

I silently said a prayer for her and wished her strength. 🙏🏻

More importantly, as her Body Transformation Coach, I wanted to make sure that she was in good spirits and in a powerful mindset in order to take on the challenging illness she was about to face. So, I scheduled a call with her.

When we spoke, she was exhibiting the known COVID-19 symptoms: coughing, loss of taste and smell, etc.

On our call, I sensed that she was determined to beat this illness and get right back on track with her health and fitness goals.

Prior to Rachel falling ill, I had been coaching her one-on-one to reach her fat loss goals and she had started making great progress.


After a week of hell where she dealt with complete exhaustion, some fever, and plenty of coughing, things started to turn around for her (and her family).

Thankfully, during her second week fighting the Coronavirus, she started feeling better and doing limited movements and light exercise.

We spoke again right after this, and all she could think about was continuing to make progress towards her fitness and health goals.

Rachel was tired of feeling frustrated about her weight and self-image, so it was of prime importance to lose unwanted weight and reclaim her confidence so that she could start feeling her best again.

She was NOT going to let COVID-19 set her back! 👊🏻

Three weeks after she contracted the Coronavirus, she did her weigh-in, sent me updated body photos, and we had a coaching call.

To my amazement, not only did Coronavirus NOT set her back from her fat loss progress, she actually managed to lose weight and her progress photos looked better than ever!


I was totally blown away by what she had accomplished, so when we spoke, the first thing I asked Rachel was ‘how did you do it?!”

I wanted to know HOW she was able to not only maintain her progress while battling the Coronavirus (i.e. not regain some of the weight she had lost on my program previously) but actually continue to lose weight and stay on track despite being sedentary and not exercising.

The one key thing she did to stay on track and not regress was to continue eating according to her individualized nutrition plan.

This is the nutrition plan I developed for her and kept optimizing until we found what foods and macronutrient quantities worked best for her.

On that note, despite what you may have heard, successful and sustainable fat loss is NOT simply about cutting calories.

What you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat all play an important role. Finding the right combination of these elements for your unique body is what makes a massive difference in whether you lose weight successfully or not.

Rachel’s ability to stay committed to her nutrition plan, despite a lack of appetite, loss of taste and smell, and constant tiredness is what kept her lean while fighting the Coronavirus.

In addition, she started moving again as soon as she started feeling better (instead of using her illness as an excuse to stay sedentary).


Talk about commitment!


Rachel’s story further reinforced some key fitness and fat loss lessons that are important to point out:

1. You Will Always Create Predictable Weight Loss If You Follow Your Body’s ‘Formula’

Finding your ‘fat loss formula’ means uncovering the exercise and nutrition strategy to which your body responds best.

Once you find your unique fat loss formula and follow it, you stay lean for life. This means enjoying permanent fat loss, even through obstacles such as illness.

In Rachel’s case, we worked together to find her formula over several weeks, but once we did, she had the blueprint that worked for her unique body and her life.

She just followed it, even while battling Coronavirus, and doing so helped her stay on track.

For help in finding your unique fat loss formula, reach out to me about my 12-week, one-on-one, permanent fat loss coaching program. My email is at the bottom of this post.

2. Taking Two Weeks Off Will Not Ruin Your Progress

Sometimes people feel like taking some time off from their exercise routine or from eating clean will totally set them back, and they start reasoning that all their hard work will be ruined by this break.

This type of logic results in them feeling demotivated and acting like it’s pointless to start again, which sets them back further.

As you can see in Rachel’s case, if you build a consistent routine of solid exercise and eating habits (as she did, when she started my Sharp Body Transformation Program), taking a week or two off will NOT ruin your progress.

Quite the contrary, it will give your body some time to rejuvenate yourself and give you the strength to start again fresh.

3. Being Fit and Healthy Gives You The Best Chance Of Surviving ANY Illness

I may not be a doctor, but as an expert in fitness and fat loss, I can say with confidence that being fit and healthy will give you the best chance of fighting any illness, including COVID-19.

In fact, one of my clients has sent me an article that talked about how the majority of Coronavirus patients that needed to be admitted into intensive care were either overweight, had diabetes, and/or high glucose levels.

Whether it’s Coronavirus, the flu, or any other sickness, we give ourselves the best chance of survival when we’re at our healthiest and most fit condition.

Would Rachel have bounced back from Coronavirus so well if she wasn’t as fit and healthy (and determined to keep progressing with her health and fat loss goals)? 

We’ll never know.

But I’m willing to put money down that the answer would have been no.

Rachel’s story is inspiring and uplifting. It reminds us to adopt a healthy and lean lifestyle so that we can take on anything that life throws our way, even Coronavirus.

To discover your unique fat loss formula and be supported in adopting a lean lifestyle so you can permanently reclaim your health, confidence, and peace of mind, reach out to me about my one-on-one fat loss coaching program to see if it’s a fit for you and your goals.