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How A 59-Year-Old Mother Discovered The Fountain of Youth and Now Looks Half Her Age

How would you like to drink from the fountain of youth?

You know, take a big swig so you can turn back the clock on how you look, how you feel, and how you perform.

Wouldn’t that be awesome?

This is exactly what my client Teri did by working with me. She was able to look better, get stronger and feel more confident. As you can see from the photo above, she looks closer to 29 than 59!

In a moment, you’re going to learn how she did it.


Before Teri started on my 1-on-1 online fitness coaching program, things were quite different.

Teri teaches yoga to seniors. When we first spoke, Teri said she was not comfortable with her weight and was feeling insecure about how she was being perceived by her students. 

She wanted to be a role model and an inspiration to her students but didn’t feel like she was exemplifying the fit, healthy lifestyle she stood for.

Teri tried working with a personal trainer for two years but was disappointed with the limited results.

She also felt her nutrition could’ve been better but was getting little support on this front from her trainer. 

Compounding the challenge was the fact she broke her left arm and was recovering from an injury that did not allow her to put pressure on her wrist. 

With her 60th birthday fast approaching, she was motivated to find a solution to help her lose weight, get more tone and regain her confidence in front of her yoga students.

So we talked.

Online Coaching Call With My Client Teri

Teri was determined to make a change.

Although she had never worked with an online fitness coach before, she was open to the idea and felt it might work for her. 

So, she signed up to be a coaching client and get her transformation underway. 

->My most successful clients all have this trait in common - they TAKE ACTION, quickly. 


I went to work on designing her body transformation plan (or in this case, her 'fountain of youth formula’).

My Sharp Body Transformation System is based on three pillars I call the 3 M’s. You have to get all three of these M’s right to transform your body and keep your results for good: 

Mindset, Meals, and Muscles.

MINDSET - First, to empower Teri to stay inspired and motivated throughout the transformation journey on which she was about to embark, I helped her get clear on her 'WHY' for being fit and how fitness can help fulfill her purpose as a wife, mother, and community leader.

Next, we held accountability calls every week over video chat to make sure she was staying on track and had all her questions answered.

Like with all my clients, I also gave Teri hacks and strategies for overcoming obstacles, like what to do when tempting foods were around (e.g. social situations) and getting proper nutrition while she was on vacation.

MEALS - On the nutrition side, I provided Teri with personalized guidelines and meal plans for what to eat on her training days and on her non-training days. The cleaner eating started making a difference immediately by reducing any inflammation-causing foods.

The meal choices were clean but flexible, allowing for substitutions and two cheat meals.

In addition, I sought to create an advantage for her via smart supplementation. To help fuel her early-morning workouts, I put her on my favorite pre-workout supplement. To help detox and get a regular dose of greens and superfood conveniently, I put her on my favorite greens powder, Organifi.

MUSCLES - My goal with Teri’s workouts was to boost her metabolism and optimize her fat burning hormones. So, I put her on a 3-day-per-week workout program that combined training with weights and doing HIIT cardio sessions with the Motion Traxx fitness app.

Teri was no stranger to the gym, so she was able to pick up the workouts quickly. She found them challenging but doable, stating “They push me more than I would do on my own, but they're still manageable.”

The plan was personalized to her and worked around the arm injury she was recovering from.

After about 6 weeks on this plan, I moved her to a more advanced, 4-day a week workout routine that incorporated full-body training for additional metabolic and hormonal advantage.

->My workouts incorporate efficiency techniques like circuits, drop sets and supersets, and can be done in 2-3 hours, total, per week, from either home, on the road, or the gym.


As you can see from the photo above, Teri was able to completely reshape and transform her body to one of a woman half her age. 

I showed this photo to a female friend, who remarked, “It looks like two completely different people!”

Indeed it does.

For a pure results standpoint, Teri was able to:

  • Cut over 10 LB of fat

  • Add muscle tone and completely reshape her lower body

  • Gradually increase her strength while continuing to heal her broken arm

But that’s not all!


Tony Robbins says “It’s not about the goal. It’s about growing to become the person that can accomplish that goal.”

I believe in this FULLY. 

My approach is to help you transform from the inside out. Not just to lose weight, but also to adopt new thoughts, new knowledge and most importantly, new ways of BEING. 

That’s why when I work with clients, I teach, I probe their excuses and limiting beliefs, and I push them to be greater than they were before they met me. 

Once this happens, your whole life changes. Plus, you get to keep your results forever!

In Teri’s case, check out in the quotes below how her transformation improved her confidence, her energy, and her overall life satisfaction. In her own words…


Teri told me, “I do a group trip to Mexico every year and we do an early morning climb up a mountain. In the past, it’s always been a very hard hike for me. But this year, when we were heading down the mountain, and the road got flat, I was amazed that I actually started jogging! I don’t think I’ve been in this kind of shape in a long time.


Teri was also proud to tell me, “I was at spin class admiring a person’s body in the mirror thinking, ‘Wow, that woman has such a flat stomach and a tight bum…only to realize that I was looking at the reflection of me! That felt really good.”


She also mentioned “It was time to get out the winter clothes last week, and I was like ‘Oh My Gosh’ these sweaters actually look good on me!…I’m not working with a muffin top like before.


If I boil down her success to just a few factors that you can take away for yourself, I would say her results were due to Teri’s:

Discipline She followed the workouts and nutrition guidelines exactly as they were designed.

Consistency Teri rarely missed a workout and rarely let her nutrition slip for too long, even during the holidays or on her vacations, during which she still remained active.

Embracing Weight Training Training with weights has tremendous benefits for both men and women alike. You can see how doing her squats, lunges, and other lower body exercises I prescribed helped her transform her physique.

Open Mindedness Teri was open to working with an online coach (even though she never had before), did new exercises, and tried supplements I recommended.

Overall, I believe that Teri would not have been able to achieve these results on her own.

Having a clear, personalized plan I laid out for her gave her direction and helped her avoid mistakes.

Having weekly accountability calls kept her motivated, on track and helped her overcome any confusion or obstacles that came up along the way. 


Teri’s results in working with a personal trainer are what you see on the left-hand side of her transformation photo above. 

Why did she not have success with the personal trainer but did when she worked with me as her online fitness coach? 

Primarily because personal trainers specialize in only one of the 3 Ms’: Muscles.

In other words, they primarily address your workouts. But the bigger factors to your success are Mindset and Meals (i.e. nutrition).

If you don’t address these other areas, you will not be successful in transforming your results.

During one of our coaching calls, Teri stated:

"I was working with a personal trainer, but the changes were very small and I feel like I’m getting more results with your program, and to be honest, it surprises me. You’ve got a good formula." ~Teri C.

My Client Teri Biking In Santa Barbara and Feeling Good In Her Cycling Outfit


If you’d like to create true, lasting transformation from the inside out, then let’s talk.

Not only will you lose weight, not only will you add muscle, but you will also become a newer, fitter, happier, and younger version of you. 

Ready to drink from the fountain of youth? I got a nice tall glass waiting for you. 

Your first step is emailing me now at the address below.