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How To Bust Your Fat Loss Plateau (Weird Trick!)

The Quick Cut:

  • While everyone else is gaining unwanted weight (10 - 15 LB on average) during the holidays, my client Oscar is losing it!

  • Skipping breakfast, and not eating a proper lunch was causing his metabolism to slow down, making it more difficult for him to get in enough calories for his metabolism to run fast enough.

  • To help Oscar eat enough and boost his metabolism, I gave him strategies that would work with his busy schedule that had him on the road all day.

  • At his latest weigh-in, Oscar came in at 226 LB. He said he hadn’t been at 226 LB for at least 4 years!

The Long Slice:

Bust Your Weight Loss Plateau

Doesn’t it suck when you’re ‘stuck’?

If you’ve been painfully cruising at the same weight, and can’t seem to get it to go down no matter what you do, then this story is for you.

It’s about my client, Oscar, who used a weird trick to bust through his weight loss plateau, during the holidays, no less.

He Couldn’t Get Below 228 LB

Oscar is 43 and works as a plumber.

As you can see from the graph above, he was stuck for several weeks around 230 LBs.

He’d go down, then back up, then down, then back up, unable to get below 228 LBs.

How He Did It (Might Sound Weird)

The reason Oscar was stuck was partly due to the challenges his job posed.

You see, as a busy plumber, he’s on the road all day going from house to house in his utility van (which I jokingly call his ‘babe magnet ;^)

Being on the road all day makes it hard for him to get proper meals during the day.

This may not sound like much of a problem, except it is.

Skipping breakfast, and not eating a proper lunch was causing his metabolism to slow down, making it more difficult for him to get in enough calories for his metabolism to run fast enough.

So, yeah, it’s counterintuitive and weird, but eating too little causes you to store more body fat!

->I won’t get into the mechanism of how that works here, but I recently did a Facebook Live about this. I recommend you watch it.

To help Oscar eat enough and boost his metabolism, I gave him strategies that would work with his busy schedule that had him on the road all day.

Armed with this knowledge, and the personalized strategies I gave him, he was able to commit to eating more and broke through his plateau to get below that stubborn 228 LB!

How He Feels About This Victory

At his latest weigh-in, Oscar came in at 226 LB. He said he hadn’t been at 226 LB for at least 4 years!

Having busted through his weight loss plateau, and down a total of 10 LB since we started working together, he said: “I feel incredibly positive and have hope for the future.”

He also feels proud of himself. Oscar said he feels “Accomplished and optimistic and upbeat because I did not give up”.

He went on to celebrate, “Crazy glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to do this.”

As you can see from the texts above, Oscar’s mantra is 'I’m an example that people can have it all.'

Indeed, he’s setting that example by staying focused on his health and following my fat loss coaching program like it’s designed.

The thing that is even more impressive is that he accomplished this during the holidays.

While everyone else is gaining unwanted weight (10 - 15 LB on average) during the holidays, Oscar is losing it!

Needless to say, I’m proud of him for his breakthrough.

Want To Bust Through YOUR Weight Loss Plateau?

If you're ready to step out of your comfort zone too, so you can bust through your weight loss plateau for good, let's talk.

My Sharp Body Transformation System empowers high achievers over 40 to permanently cut fat, add strength, and find their edge in under 3 hours per week.

The best time to talk to me is NOW, because, as you can see with Oscar, fat loss IS even possible during the holidays!P

Book a 10-MINUTE FAT LOSS RECHARGE CALL with me now.