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Fat Loss Myth Busted: Carbs Are Not The Enemy

The Quick Cut:

  • Many people fear carbs because they think it will make them gain fat but this is a myth.

  • Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of energy; the brain needs at least 40g/day.

  • You can enjoy carbs and still lose weight as long as you eat the right carbs, at the right times, in the right amounts, while also exercising them off.

The Long Slice:

I’m not a fan.


I’m not a fan of low-carb / no-carb diets (i.e., Keto).

Many people fear carbs because they think it will make them gain fat. This is mostly a myth.

This myth exists because people:

  1. Consume too many carbs because carbs are more prevalent than we realize.

  2. Have the wrong kinds of carbs like processed sugars and corn syrup.

  3. Don’t time their carbs correctly like they should (it’s not hard to do).

  4. Don’t do the right exercises to sufficiently burn the carbs they’ve eaten.


Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of energy because they’re easily converted into glycogen, which is the body’s fuel source. Carbs are needed for proper brain function, overall energy, as well as the functioning of cells, tissues, and organs.

You need carbs to fuel a tough workout, and you need carbs to recover from a tough workout. 

More than that, we need carbs to get us through our day-to-day energy needs and to function optimally. According to actor and author of The Body Book, Cameron Diaz:

“I love that along with the enjoyment I get from a delicious bowl of pasta, the carbs I am eating are also giving my body and brain the nutrients they need to fire on all cylinders.” 


Here’s how to avoid the 4 mistakes above that most people make when it comes to carbs:

  1. Consume the right amount of carbs - If the goal is fat loss, most people will do well eating between 50 - 150 grams per day, depending on their body weight and exercise intensity that day. Carbs should make up around 30-35% of your daily caloric intake.

  2. Have the right kinds of carbs - What you want is gluten-free, slow-digesting carbs like sweet potatoes/yams, oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, etc. Avoid carbs like wheat-based pastas, breads, and baked goods like muffins. Also, some people gain fat on ‘white’ carbs like white potatoes, white rice, etc. so you may want to see how your body responds. Obviously, foods that are high in sugar have to be limited and sugary drinks eliminated.

  3. Time your carbs correctly - Eat most of your carbs mid-day. It's best to have some carbs after your workout to replenish what you lose in the gym. When eating carbs, have them after you've eaten your protein and veggies to slow down the absorption of the carbs and reduce the associated insulin spike.

  4. Do the right kinds of exercises - As mentioned previously, people will do exercises that can hurt their efforts or that simply don’t challenge them enough (e.g. doing planks instead of weight training). Embrace resistance training and do compound, multi-joint movements like squats, lunges, rows, pull-ups, and presses.

With this new knowledge about carbs, you no longer have to see carbs as the enemy.

Instead, embrace them for a happy, healthy life full of energy and great workouts.

For more help on how to win the carb game and achieve your ideal body goals, schedule a 10 minute call with me here.

Happy cutting, 🔪