Achieve Your Goals Faster With This 4-Step Framework

The Quick Cut:

  • Achieving any goal initially starts with a thought

  • There is a 4-step process that your thought goes through before it can become a reality

  • This is laid out in the TFAR framework which comes from proven psychology

  • By understanding the process of how 'thoughts become things', you can leverage this framework to meet any of your goals faster, whether it be to lose weight, make more money, find a relationship, etc.

The Long Slice:

Last night, I led a powerful session on my weekly Livestream.

(If you’re part of our Facebook Group and would like to catch the full lesson - which was awesome BTW - you can do so here. If not, I’m going to summarize what we covered below because I think you will find it valuable…)

As a quick back story: I used to be a management consultant. As part of our work, we would create ‘frameworks’ to help clarify concepts for our corporate clients.

Here’s a framework you can use to hit any of your goals (fitness, weight loss, money, relationships, etc.) faster.

Using The 'TFAR' Framework To Hit Your Goals

This framework comes from psychology and explains how thoughts turn into actual, real-life results.

As you can see from the image provided, your:

  • Results are based on your Actions

  • Actions are dependent on your Feelings

  • Feelings are determined by your Thoughts

It all starts with a thought, which then sets off a chain reaction.

For example, if you’re a student and you want to get a good grade on an upcoming test (i.e. get a good result), you have to study (i.e. take that Action).

But how much you study depends on how excited you are about that topic or getting that good grade/result (i.e. how you feel about it). How you feel about it comes from what you tell yourself about that upcoming test.

So, for the student to do well on their test, they have to have a thought that creates feelings, which then motivates their actions to obtain that good grade. (Thoughts --> Feelings --> Actions --> Results)

The tricky part is this:

If there is a ‘break’ in the chain between the thought and result, you will most likely get an undesired result.

For example, if the student thinks the class is boring (the wrong thought) they will feel less motivated, study less, and score poorly.

Making sense so far?

How TFAR Impacts Your Motivation Level

Now, let’s apply this to fat loss.

If you’re inspired to lose 10LB, for example, you may feel excited, take some actions (eat right, join a gym, etc.), and get a result.

If the result is good, you will think ‘this is working’ and feel motivated.

This is worth noting. According to the author of 'The Motivation Myth', Jeff Haden:

Seeing progress is key to staying motivated.

This will drive the right feelings, and more action, and more success.

On the other hand, if you don’t see progress (i.e. the scale is not going down) either because you took no action or took actions that didn’t work, you may start thinking ‘This sucks. It’s not working. Why bother?’.

This will result in an immediate lack of motivation and will kill future progress.

Why Taking The Right Actions and Seeing Immediate Results Is Essential

Because your motivation is dependent on seeing results, it’s essential you see results early.

So if you start a fat loss journey and see you’ve lost 2 or 3 pounds in just your first week, you will be motivated to keep going.

But if you don’t see early results, you may get frustrated and become de-motivated.

So seeing results early is essential.

But seeing results early is dependent on taking the right actions.

This is where having the right workout plan for you, and knowing the best foods to eat for your body are key.

The more you waste time trying things you’re not sure will work, the more you’re risking your motivation and desired results slipping away.

On the other hand, if you take the right actions and see results right away, then that will lead to positive thoughts and feelings, which will result in more action and more results. (And it just keeps snowballing from there.)

That's why it’s critical to have the right plan and guidance when you start any important journey towards a new goal.

Because not having this concrete plan will cost you motivation, time, and ultimately the result.

This is why I’m so keen on helping my clients see results early.

Because it boosts their motivation and ensures their success, as you can see from the TFAR framework above.

Do This If You Want To Ensure Fat Loss Success

If you’re committed to losing unwanted fat, and you’d like to discover the best plan/blueprint for yourself, and ensure you’re setting yourself up for long-term success, by enjoying immediate, short-term success, send me a message.

My 12-week body transformation program will provide you with the guidance and accountability you need to make your thought, “I want to get lean and live a successful life” a reality.


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