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Weight Loss Fix: Lose Fat Faster By Avoiding The ‘7 Deadly Sinful Foods’

The Quick Cut

  • Nutrition is the most important fat loss variable.

  • Being totally dialed into your nutrition is not easy.

  • Nevertheless, you can reap big rewards by avoiding foods that cause our bodies to hold on to fat.

  • Limit unhealthy fats, alcohol, sugar, dairy, corn, soy, and gluten.

  • To make things manageable, you can have them occasionally, as ‘smart’ cheat meals.

The Long Slice

Nutrition is the single most important variable in our quest for sustainable weight loss. In fact, some people say that when it comes to losing weight, your nutrition can be 70-80% of the equation.

So, to successfully reach your goal of losing 10, 20, 30 pounds or more, the more ‘dialed in’ you are with your nutrition, the better.

But there’s a problem.

Staying On Top of Your Nutrition Can Get Tedious

You should know becoming totally dialed into your nutrition can require a lot of effort and commitment on your part.

You’ll have to submit yourself to doing things like weighing your food, counting your macros and calories at every meal (ideally, via an app), doing meal prep, learning how to eat for your exact body type, etc.

Ugh. 😐

While doing these nutrition-related tasks can be quite valuable in your weight loss efforts, they can be tedious and time-consuming.

Unless you’re among the most hard-core health fanatics out there, adding these tasks to your already busy schedule, not to mention the workouts you're already doing, can feel daunting and may cause you to throw up your arms in frustration and quit your pursuit of hitting that weight loss goal you’ve been itching to conquer. 🤯

I don’t want that. You don’t want that, either.

So that you don't get overwhelmed, let me give you a ‘sharp’ strategy to help you easily clean up your diet and drop weight consistently, without having to spend hours each month on tedious tasks like weighing your food and counting calories.

An Easier Way Is To Simply Avoid The ‘7 Deadly Sin(ful Food)s’

There are numerous easy fixes you can make to your eating patterns that can reap big rewards. One of these, which will give you the biggest bang for your buck, is to clean up your eating.

One of the fastest and most effective ways to have weight loss success is to avoid specific categories of foods that are detrimental to your fat loss efforts.

Have you heard of the 7 Deadly Sins?

Well, there is also what I call ‘7 Deadly S(inful Food)s’.

These seven food groups can cause inflammation and/or raise estrogen.

Both of these conditions cause your body to store fat.

The minute you eat less of these foods, you will begin to reduce your body’s inflammatory response, better optimize your hormones for fat loss, improve your gut health, and watch the weight come off, without dieting or spending time on tedious, nutrition-related tasks.

Sharp suggestion: Save this list below as a note on your phone and refer to it daily.

Avoid These 7 Deadly Sin(ful Food)s:

  1. Fried Foods & Unhealthy Fats

  2. Alcohol

  3. Sugar

  4. Dairy

  5. Corn

  6. Soy

  7. Gluten

To learn more about why these seven foods aren’t good for our fat loss efforts, check out my FastCut30 eBook (I give this to all the participants in my FastCut30 Fat Loss Challenge, but it’s yours free, just for reading my post this far).

Now, I realize these foods are associated with good times (e.g. drinking) and fun taste bud experiences (fries and shake, anyone?), and having fun is good for the soul.

So, I’m not saying never have them. But be very conscious to limit them.

Eating cheese every day? Milk every morning? Glass of wine every night? Probably not a good idea.

A ‘sharper’ strategy: Eat clean and avoid these 7 food groups during the week. Then, pick a day during the weekend where you can have fun and splurge, or spread out 1-2 cheat meals throughout the weekend.

Avoiding these foods at least 80% of the time will help you greatly in your goal to lose weight.

In closing, remember... I won’t judge you if you commit any of the 7 deadly sins. But if you eat the 7 deadly sin(ful food)s, the scale WILL.