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4 Weight Loss Strategies for a Guilt-Free Fourth of July

The Quick Cut

  • The Fourth of July is associated with ‘big eating’.

  • By using smart weight loss strategies you can enjoy yourself in a guilt-free way.

  • First, eat smart that day. Either eat beforehand, so you aren't too hungry when you arrive. Alternatively, you can fast in the morning.

  • Second, keep alcohol consumption low or at least have the right kind of alcohol at the right time.

  • Third, get a ‘sharp’ workout in beforehand to more easily absorb the extra calories you’ll consume.

  • Fourth, go into your event with a ‘sharp’ mindset. Say an affirmation that will keep your intention present throughout the event and help you eat and drink more responsibly.

The Long Slice

Yesterday, in The Sharp Body VIP Facebook Group, one of the members asked a great question:

“Hello! Do you have any advice as we embark on the 4th of July holiday long weekend that will be filled with rich foods and much alcohol?”

It was a fantastically-timed question with the holiday right around the corner. 

Let’s take a look to see how we can navigate this holiday in a guilt-free way.

The Fourth of July Can Mean Lots of Food and Drink

With the 4th of July upon us, many of us here in the United States are getting ready to enjoy the American Independence Day with our friends, family, and loved ones.

Usually, these celebrations take place over barbecues, beers, and apple pie (or other yummy food and drink).

While it makes for a great time, it can also result in over-indulging and regressing in our fitness and fat loss goals.

Nevertheless, a little fun and indulgence in a social setting is always good for the soul.

So, wouldn’t it be great if you can indulge and enjoy yourself this 4th of July, while still staying on track with your weight loss plans?

Well, the good news is, you can. 

By following the four ‘sharp’ strategies below, you’ll be able to enjoy your food (and the fireworks), without feeling bloated or guilty on July 5th. 

1. Eat Smart Before You Get To The Party

If you eat a healthy meal before you go to (or host) a party, you won’t be as hungry when the event begins.

This strategy allows you to eat healthy while simultaneously giving you some leeway to participate in eating some of the goodies being served at your event. Simply put, you won’t be as hungry, which reduces the chances of overindulgence.

Alternatively, you can fast the morning of the 4th (i.e. do Intermittent Fasting by skipping breakfast). This will reduce your overall caloric intake and provide you with ‘extra budget’ to spend on calories at the party.

On that note, it's best to eat clean on the days leading up to the party.

2. Be Smart About Alcohol

It’s always best to keep alcohol consumption low, but if you do opt to drink, having the right kind of alcohol at the right time can make a positive difference.

First, it’s best to avoid fruity/sweet mixed drinks due to their high sugar content. I also recommend avoiding beer at all costs because it raises estrogen (which stores fat). 

Sharp Substitute: A better option is to have clear liquor, like a vodka soda.

When you do drink it, have the alcohol on a full stomach to reduce the absorption rate of the calories, which results in the potential for less of those calories turning into fat.

This will also slow down the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream, keeping you more sober. (This is an important strategy to know when navigating any social function where drinking is involved!)

3. Get In A ‘Sharp’ Workout 

Get a metabolism-boosting workout in before going to your event. This will create a caloric deficit and allows you to more easily absorb any extra calories you consume. Plus, the calories you do consume will go towards replenishing what you lost during your workouts, instead of being stored as fat.

What kind of workouts will boost your metabolism? Weight training with compound movements and taking your sets to failure. For an efficient, metabolism boosting workouts routine download my free ‘QuickChisel’ workout plan.

4. Go In With A ‘Sharp’ Mindset 

The right mindset will allow you to meet any goal, including a weight loss goal. To this end, it will greatly help you to think about how you want the event to go and ‘speak your intention’ into the universe.

For example, if your intention is to eat and drink within your limits, you can tell yourself an affirmation right before you get to the event that will tell your mind to stay aware of your goal.

It can be something along the lines of, "I love my body and I treat it right. I know how to balance fun and self-care."

Say this to yourself three times while you’re waiting at a red light or in line to grab some apple pie, etc.

By staying more aware of your intention, you will feel your energy shift and your chances of eating and drinking responsibly increase significantly.

Alternatively, if you're brave enough, speak your intention to someone who will be at the party and ask them to hold you accountable. (This may feel strange but this type of accountability has been shown to be very effective!)

In closing, by following the four sharp fat loss strategies above, you’ll get to enjoy the 4th of July (or ANY event), while declaring your independence from unwanted fat.

Happy Independence Day!